
The only system that joins up all the necessary data to create low-risk bubbles and travel corridors

Restrictions to combat COVID-19 have brought the cruise, hospitality, travel and leisure industry to its knees. International air traffic is less than a fifth of normal, as measures like quarantine, mask-wearing and uncertainty deter people from booking. Meanwhile, social distancing measures make it extremely difficult for companies to operate profitably, because doing so relies on them having high load factors or high occupancy levels. 


The latest initiatives to bring back travel rely on testing to screen out people who may be infected. However, even the very best tests can’t detect the COVID-19 virus at a very low level or if it’s on one’s clothing or possessions. Therefore, when people start travelling again as they used to, a few outbreaks of the disease are inevitable. As vaccines will not be universally available for many months, if not years, a further level of protection is required to manage things efficiently and responsibly, …. and that is what OK2Roam provides.


It uses artificial intelligence to analyse real-time data from state-of-the-art, digital contact tracing, symptom checking, COVID-19 tests and vaccine certificates; and it calculates individual risk scores. By proactively re-testing those with the highest risk scores, it enables the riskiness of the whole population to be reduced down to the point at which social distancing is not required. It is far more sophisticated, effective and economic than any conventional disease management techniques.

Benefits for Businesses

OK2Roam will enable business people to:

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    Travel, work and attend gatherings with greater confidence, knowing that the environment will be low risk

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    Move around with increasing freedom, as more reduced risk bubbles and travel corridors come into operation

Benefits for Individuals

With OK2Roam, individuals will be able to:

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    Travel, work and attend gatherings with greater confidence, knowing that the environment will be low risk

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    Move around with increasing freedom, as more reduced risk bubbles and travel corridors come into operation

Benefits for Government
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    The risk of a COVID-19 outbreak will be reduced inside all bubbles and travel corridors that deploy the OK2Roam system

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    The travel and leisure industry specifically, and the economy generally, will be able to recover financially as people’s confidence in travelling and attending gatherings is restored

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    In the event of infection within a reduced risk bubble or travel corridor, the pressure on the government’s track and trace services will be greatly relieved, as everyone in the chain of infection will be contacted automatically by the system and full contact information will also be provided to the authorities to reach out in person

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    Overall stress on the healthcare system will be reduced, as more outbreaks are closed down very rapidly

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    Real time data will be available to government / health authorities to facilitate decision making and communication

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    Public confidence in the government’s handling of the pandemic will improve as the OK2Roam system will enable life to return to the way it was before COVID-19

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    Countries where OK2Roam is widely deployed will have a first mover advantage in attracting back the tourists

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    The government will only need to underwrite the set-up costs, as OK2Roam is designed to be self-funding

Interested in deploying OK2Roam?