About OK2Roam

Executive Team
David Tarsh
Chief Executive

David is a PR and business communications expert, recently turned into a tech… Read More

Hans-Christian Boos

Hans-Christian Boos, known to his friends as Chris, is the Founder of Arago, a leading artificial… Read More

Asheesh Malaney
Chief Commercial Adviser

Asheesh is a highly experienced strategy consultant and entrepreneur, who… Read More

Dr. Marek Meyer
Chief Product Officer

Marek is an experienced product manager with a strong track record of creating disruptive… Read More

Dr. Benjamin Tarsh
Chief Medical Officer

Benj is a practicing GP with extensive experience in transmissible diseases… Read More

Nigel Harris
Chief Financial Officer

Nigel is a practicing accountant with 30 years’ experience running his own firm. He… Read More

Advisory Board

Providing Advice and Introductions

Taleb Rifai (Chairman)

Taleb is one of the most respected figures in the world of travel, universally admired… Read More

Jean-Claude Baumgarten

Jean-Claude is one of the world’s leading tourism experts, currently acting… Read More

Ted Blamey

Over a forty-year career Ted Blamey has been a cruise industry pioneer and… Read More

Wolfgang Neumann

Wolfgang is a senior hospitality executive with 30+ years of international… Read More

OK2Roam was founded by David Tarsh, a strategic communications advisor to numerous influential organisations in the travel industry and Hans-Christian Boos (Chris) a technology guru, advisor to the German government on IT and Founder of Arago, a leading company in the field of artificial intelligence. Chris is also the co-founder of the PEPP-PT, a pan-European group of experts who came together to figure out how best to implement contact tracing technologies on mobile devices in a privacy-preserving, GDPR-compliant and technically-robust manner across national borders. 


When David first heard about digital contact tracing on mobile devices, he thought to himself: “If this technology can tell you how risky you are, maybe can you re-purpose it to tell you how safe you are and use that as a green light to travel.” Researching that idea brought him to Chris, who then figured out how to do it.

Our vision is to provide a universal, cloud-based, digital pandemic management system which is accessible to anyone, helping them create reduced risk bubbles and travel corridors. As more bubbles and corridors are created, they can be joined up on this common backbone, allowing people to move around freely in an ever-expanding reduced-risk environment.

OK2Roam’s values are innovation, responsibility, professionalism, straight talking and passion to rescue the economy from the predicament it is in, as a consequence of Covid.

Philosophy and Business Model

OK2Roam’s big idea is to reinvent pandemic management, changing it from a low-tech, rules-based system that restricts people generally from travelling, gathering and coming close, to a high-tech, risk-based system that ascribes disease exposure risk scores to individuals in real time, as they interact with others and with the environment. It is built on the growing popularity of wearable technology and advances in artificial intelligence (AI) enabling the rapid computation of risk.


This approach offers numerous advantages, including faster and more effective disease containment, more efficient contact tracing, substantially reduced costs, greater scope for individual freedom and substantially less damage to the economy.


OK2Roam goes much further than contact tracing systems by also analysing the results of diagnostic/screening tests, symptom checks, vaccinations, and real-time Bluetooth contact data. By calculating risk individually, it is possible to identify the riskiest individuals and potential disease spreaders immediately. One can then constrain viral spread proactively, by ensuring additional testing and, as necessary, advising the riskiest individuals, and their contacts to self-isolate.


OK2Roam is confident that the public will embrace its technology enthusiastically because there is an appealing quid pro quo for sharing a little personal information. In the context of a pandemic, when travelling and gathering are heavily constrained, giving up a little privacy in exchange for being able to attend events, enjoy hospitality or travel is a compelling trade off. There is good precedent for the public embracing such a proposition because they do so every day, and consent to greater levels of intrusion, when they browse the internet, engage with many forms of social media, or use a mobile phone.


For businesses such as cruise ships and resorts and for tourism dependent destinations, deploying OK2Roam will enable them to claim a superior level of bio security, to reduce the need for social distancing and to reassure consumers that they are low-risk places to visit. That will enable them to recover from the pandemic more rapidly and more profitably.


The business model is based on providing access to the platform via the internet to consumers, to businesses and to health authorities in exchange for a modest fee per user. Governments, universities and substantial companies seriously interested in using the platform will be able to run trials on it for a limited period of time gratis.

Interested in deploying OK2Roam?